
When I was 10 years old my mother gave me her tattered copy of Spiritual Midwifery and asked me to support her in the birth of my 4th sibling. I had already experienced the loss of my twin siblings, and was madly in love with my three brothers. I knew a life of babies, mothering, and caretaking from very early on. Growing up in Ojai, California, we spent much of our time on our land, driving the mountain pass to the beach in Carpinteria, and exploring the neighborhood on bikes as kids do. My world revolved around my siblings and supporting my mother the best I could. She was certainly my first teacher into the world of womanhood.

I am indebted to the families that have trusted me to walk along side them, and just as grateful to my own family who have all allowed me to serve our community with their support and patience. None of my work would be possible without my partner Mike, my three kids Travis, Sadie and Piper, or my best friend Haylee-a wonderful film photographer based in SLC.

As of early 2024, after many years of on call "bedside" work and hundreds of families served, I have transitioned my practice to meet my life and dreams where I am at now. This means I will only take a select few clients per year. I will also continue to offer miscarriage/baby loss support both at home and in the hospital, as well as placenta medicine offerings, and lactation support as a Certified Lactation Counselor. I will of course continue on with multiple advocacy projects, including being the International Cesarean Awareness Network's Chapter Director and running the local ICAN chapter with my co-leaders.

You may also see me taking care of patients with my friend Dr. Katy Sharma of Ocean Perinatal in the beautiful Ventura Harbor, appearing on your tv screens as a represented actor, and writing as much as I can. Whatever I am doing, you can be sure it's heart centered, and fueled by coffee.